Metabolism in Conformers and Regulators

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
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   1     2               
   4   5                 
7            8           
          9          10   
12               13        


1. Type of response such as sweating when we are too hot. (13)
4. The body's corrective mechanism. (8,8)
8. Used to detect changes in the environment. (9)
9. These bring about responses to changes in the environment. (9)
11. An animal which is unable to control its body temperature. (9)
12. These are sensitive to changes in temperature. (15)
14. Temperature monitoring centre of the body. (12)
15. Widening of blood vessels in the skin to lose heat. (12)
16. Type of response such as removing clothes when we are too hot. (11)


2. Physiological response to being too hot by releasing fluid through the skin. (8)
3. Narrowing of blood vessels in the skin to conserve heat. (16)
5. Animal which is capable of regulating its body temperature. (9)
6. Organism unable to alter its normal metabolic rate. (9)
7. Maintenance of the body's internal environment. (11)
10. Physiological response to being too cold by rapid muscle movement. (9)
13. Organism able to alter its normal metabolic rate. (9)